5 Blogger Myths and Stereotypes

Blogger Myths and Stereotypes - The Palmetto Peaches - palmsinatl.comThe life of a blogger isn’t perfect. However, sometimes a blogger’s social media presence will give off an illusion that it’s all amazing outfits, exclusive events, free products, latte art, perfect twist-outs and/or model-like messy buns. No. Just no. Don’t let some of these Instagram feeds fool you and don’t make those assumptions about the Palmetto Peaches.

Camera rolls will prove that what ends up on Instagram was likely take 12 of 15. Staged. We’re not all cranking out posts on Macs and making money off our E-books. Although, some bloggers are and we can’t knock their hustle. So here’s some thoughts on common blogger myths and stereotypes – Palmetto Peaches’ style.

Blogger Myths and Stereotypes

“People become bloggers because they want to be famous.”

5 Blogger Myths and Stereotypes - The Palmetto Peaches - palmsinatl.com

Oh okay…We’re still waiting for our E! reality show offers to come in and our sponsorship from SheaMoisture. This blog began as a creative outlet and a way to start an online conversation with girls like us: supporters of coffee, liquor, laughter and sweatpants.

“Every blogger I see has an obsession with Starbucks, planners, and labels.”

We both have Gold Starbucks Rewards cards, but we also rack up bonus stars during challenges and hoard those bad boys for free coffees when out bank accounts aren’t looking too good. Yes, Donni has a planner obsession, but it’s because she’s on the spectrum for Type A aka Type Awesome. She’s been carrying around a planner since 5th grade so it’s not a “blogger thing”.

“Blogging can’t be that hard.”

Well let’s see. First we have to brainstorm about new content, write the content, create graphics, confirm that our SEO is on point, promote the posts, and respond to comments. Don’t forget that we’re also balancing work and social lives. Blogging, when done correctly, takes a lot of energy and a huge time commitment. It is fun, but it’s also hard work.

“You’rE a reporter…like a journalist. You have to  write about whatever Is trending.”

While both of the Palmetto Peaches have degrees in journalism, that ain’t us. One of the first things we set straight before creating this blog was to avoid becoming entertainment or gossip bloggers. Nothing against bloggers who take that route (they’re actually some of favorites), but we knew early-on that our posts would be more about our lives and not other people’s.

“Bloggers are self-involved.”

Not going to lie, there are some situations where we’d rather be locked away with our computers and cameras than deal with the real world–but we aren’t self-involved. Bloggers usually try to use their personal experiences to help readers solve a problem or discover a new passion. Yes, we occasionally rant and rave, but who doesn’t?

If you know us personally, what did you think when we told you we were starting a blog? Bloggers, what are some myths and stereotypes you hear?

Ace Siggy--The Palmetto Peachesand Donni Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches

18 Replies to “5 Blogger Myths and Stereotypes”

  1. I enjoyed reading this post. It’s nice to know someone out there gets it. These are all big time myths!


    1. Glad we’re not the only ones out there feeling this way. Thanks for reading!

  2. This is such a great post. When I first started blogging I had people say “Oh, so you want to be famous?” Um, no? haha I just like writing and sharing my ideas with like minded people. Jeez haha

    1. Preach girl!! I’m not sure why some people automatically link fame and blogging together. Thanks for reading!

  3. I love your last point about self-involvement, especially as someone who takes a lot of selfies and portraits. It’s not vain, it’s how I’m creativity. Gosh, I wish people understood how much work blogging was!! Great debunking post!
    Angela Tolsma recently posted…Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward, Ph.D.My Profile

    1. The creative aspect of blogging gets overlooked a lot by those who truly don’t understand how much hard work it is. 🙂 Thanks for your comment!

  4. This post was definitely needed. I was getting caught up in illusions for awhile and was starting to think my blogging was in vain or I was doing something wrong. A lot of bloggers have this glamorous lifestyle going on. Not what I got into blogging for but this post!!! Yes, everything I needed. Thanks!

    1. So glad you liked it. There’s a lot of bloggers that feel the same way you do (we’re included in that list). Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The biggest myth that drives me NUTS is bloggers don’t do shit. I wanna smack someone when they tell me I don’t do much and it’s “NOT THAT HARD” are you kidding me!?!?!? I spend hours working on content, and I’m STILL not happy with it. This is a great post! xx Adaleta Avdic

    1. Yesss! We totally agree. If we had a dollar for the number of times people assume blogging is easy — forget about monetization lol.

  6. First off, that first GIF is HILARIOUS!!

    There are definitely so many crazy myths about bloggers and I don’t understand why people make so many of the assumptions that they do. I’m most annoyed by the “blogging can’t be that hard” assumption. I’ve had a few friends start blogs after I started mine thinking it was a walk in the park….and they could not hang. It’s hard, hard work and takes so much time and commitment. But, I guess it’s one of those things that you just can’t know and understand how involved it is if you’ve never done it yourself.

  7. First off, that first GIF is HILARIOUS!!

    There are definitely so many crazy myths about bloggers and I don’t understand why people make so many of the assumptions that they do. I’m most annoyed by the “blogging can’t be that hard” assumption. I’ve had a few friends start blogs after I started mine thinking it was a walk in the park….and they could not hang. It’s hard, hard work and takes so much time and commitment. But, I guess it’s one of those things that you just can’t know and understand how involved it is if you’ve never done it yourself

  8. Great post! The number of people who think blogging is easy kills me. I’ve had so many friends contact me wanting help in starting a blog and within a couple weeks, they’re done. I’ve stopped helping because I was putting more work into their blogs than they were lol it’s definitely not for everyone.

    xo, Keating | Why Hello Lovely
    Keating recently posted…8 Ways To Make Friends When You Move Someplace NewMy Profile

  9. This is so cool. Love the truth in it. Loved the one on writing about trending topics 🙂

  10. I am thankful that I haven’t had these conversations (to my face). I -will- say that I had to make a post describing the not so glamorous side of my travels just to let people know not to only focus on what they see on Instagram. I definitely gained a laugh from this post though!

  11. such a great post, i totally agree on the point that people think blogging is not that hard. there’s so much work that goes on behind the scenes that people don’t see!

  12. Bloggers do it for the free stuff and it’s a piece of cake.

  13. […] all the blogger myths and stereotypes, let me tell you one more time that blogging isn’t easy. Therefore, as part of the blogging […]

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