5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle

5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle -- The Palmetto Peaches

A side hustle is a way for creatives and part-time entrepreneurs to make a little extra cash outside of their full-time jobs. After college, I started my freelance journey. It was exciting, fun and kept me busy. Fast forward to 5 years later, and I can’t wait to retire. When I first started losing interest a few years ago, I thought it was a combination of laziness and stubbornness. That was partially true, but as my life started to change, so did my interests and goals.

All the signs were there, so my journey will end this summer. If you’re a side-hustler trying to figure out your next career move, these signs might be helpful in the process.

5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle

  1. You’d always rather be doing something else.

    Not your typical “I’d rather be daydrinking or watching Netflix”, but wondering why you even started this in the first place.

  2. You’re only doing it for money.

    Most people start side gigs because they’re passionate about something. Once that fire burns out, so will you.

  3. Talking about your product/service gives you major anxiety.

    I knew my days as a freelance social media manager were coming to an end when networking events became dreadful. (Even the ones with alcohol.) I hated explaining what I did, because I had no idea what I was doing.

    5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle -- The Palmetto Peaches

  4. Being unorganized doesn’t bother you.

    Like any job, organization is a major key. If being unorganized causes your side hustle to be a hot mess, and you don’t do anything to fix it–you need to let that go.

  5. You have no interest in building or investing.

    There’s always room for growth, it’s up to you to take advantage of them. Resources like workshops, classes, books and videos exist for a reason. I know being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you’re rich, and sometimes you have to spend money to make money. However, Google is free and so is the library.

Did you ever have to break up with your side hustle? How did you know it was time to move on?

Ace Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches

One Reply to “5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle”

  1. Awesome info. So on point!

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