The Palmetto Peaches made Quirky, Brown Love’s Amazing Black Bloggers List last month, and we were in great company. As much as I’d love to read what all of these bloggers have to offer; I went straight to the inspiration section. Ya know, because sometimes it takes more than an Instagram quote to get me going these days. If I see one more post about rising and grinding or one more picture of a paycheck stub/receipt—I might catch a charge.
As a writer, I tend to forget how inspiring it is to read. (Stop staring at me with your judgey eyes.) A few hours of reading these blogs took me from writer’s block to 40 drafts in my iPhone Notes app. Thanks to the black girl bloggers below, and Quirky, Brown Love (Bryanda) for creating the list, I’ve read on a constant basis more in the past few weeks than I have in the past few years. (I feel you staring again.)

The Indie Byline (Sheriden Garrett)
I had the great pleasure of meeting Sheriden at her Melanin and Mimosas brunch in Atlanta. I knew she was a special soul when her thank you note almost made me shed a thug tear. I’ve mentioned before how I’m not big on reading about the topics most bloggers are “famous” for: fashion, cooking, make-up, kids, pets, getting rich or die trying. So personal blogs are my go-to. Instead of just explaining how she’s sometimes hard on herself, she’ll share her tips on how her readers can avoid doing the same. The Indie Byline is the perfect balance between a personal and lifestyle blog. Not to mention, she takes and shares amazing photos.
If I would start saving quotes in a notebook, that strictly came from Sheriden, this would be the first one:
“It’s ironic because a word that people close to me will often throw it is the word “positive” and that’s because I can do that for them, I can root for them, I can give them kind words that rebuild the spirit and reinforce their faith. But I don’t always rush to be that same guiding light for myself.” (How to Stay Positive)
Das me.

Twenties Unscripted (Tyece Wilkins)
Tyece, Tyece, Tyece. I won her book Twenties Unscripted: A Journey of Womanhood, Writing and Relativity during a #G2G Twitter chat, and reading it is probably the best thing I did all summer.
It felt like she was living in my head for the past 27 years. Even though I’m a new reader, I could write an entire blog series on my reactions to Twenties Unscripted. Tyece is unapologetically serving up twenty-something realness. With posts like “Cry Your Ugly Cry”, “How to Love a Complex Woman” and “The Woman Who Builds the World With Her Own Two Hands”, Twenties Unscripted is ev-er-y-thang I need for a good read. Break-ups from relationships that weren’t really relationships (situationships is what I call them), wanting to punch everyone in the face when they ask, “When are you having kids?” and anything in between. It’s like having a heart-to-heart with your super deep BFF… after drinking a bottle of wine.
“I write for the woman who is a force to be reckoned with. I write for the woman who has let the story inside of her escape so that it can set the world ablaze. I write for the woman who sometimes dreams so immensely and intensely that it scares her. The woman who draws people in with that certain je ne sais quoi. I write for the woman whose energy sends rays through a room without her ever saying a word.” (The Woman Who Builds the World with Her Own Two Hands)
Das me…again

All the Many Layers (GG Renee Hill)
I read GG’s “The Quiet Guide to Loud Self-Love” and was FLOORED! (Check out my slight rant on my personal blog here). Lately I’ve been whining about wanting to write again, and GG was just what the doctor ordered. I found my way to GG Renee while looking for a little inspiration.
“Because if you’re like me, maybe you’re drawn to sad things too and you’ve wondered how to not think so much about struggle and grief and loss. Uneasy, bothered…anxious thoughts. The kind that distract you from gratitude and grace and make it hard to function at the level you want.” (When Your Default Emotion is Sadness)
#YouGuessedIt, das me.
I am like GG. No, I don’t know her personally—but 3 seconds into her posts and I be like “Yasss, sis”. Another 10 seconds and I be like, “Come on, somebody!” Growing up you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t an extrovert. I took a quiz in the 6th grade, and I think I changed my answers because I did not want to be an introvert. But once I got a little older, I started to find peace in locking myself in my room, being around the least amount of people as possible and being alone time with my own thoughts. It’s actually my favorite thing to do at this point in my life. And my girl GG confirms that it’s quiet alright. Embrace it, write about it and keep it moving.

The Alisha Nicole (Alisha Nicole)
This love started when Alisha used the phrase “sweet spot” instead of “niche”. She hates the way it sounds, and I don’t know how to properly pronounce it—so there’s that. Her posts are like my own cheer squad. They take me out of my feelings and into business mode. Plus, anyone who encourages a glass of wine or mimosa during a webinar is okay with me. I think I connected with Alisha’s story because I see my struggle in it. She launched a business a few years ago, but things didn’t exactly turn out her way. You know how the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” Hopefully, I’ll be able to share (and make a little cash) off of learning from my mistakes as well.
I love a good self-help e-book and e-course, like the ones she offer. I’m currently working on Alisha’s Vision Clarity worksheets and will start her free workshop on Saturday, October 3.

I could keep rambling on about all the aha moments I’ve had while reading the blog of these talented women, but I gotta stop somewhere. My goal is to read more blogs from Quirky, Brown Love’s list, even the ones I wouldn’t typically read, and share them with you! If you want to check out the bloggers I mentioned, scroll up and click on their names!
What new blogs are you reading? I’d love to hear about them!
[…] the past, I’ve highlighted some of my favorite woman bloggers from Quirky Brown Love’s “Awesome Bloggers” list. This time I want you to get know (and more than likely fall in love with) 2 of my hometown […]