My Influenster Shimmer Vox Box arrived, and it’s lit fam. I received these products free for testing purposes for Influenster. Who doesn’t love free stuff–especially free stuff you use on a normal basis? FYI, Influenster is a space for folks to give and receive product reviews. Influenster Shimmer Vox Box Reveal What’s Inside imPress Press-On […]
Month: August 2017
Music Midtown 2017 (Playlist)
We’re trying to live our best musical lives this summer by checking off another musical festival. Being in Gulf Shores for Hangout Festival was so much fun and the music was amazing. Hopefully, Music Midtown 2017 won’t be evacuated or rained out like last year. If you’re close to Atlanta, it’s not too late to get […]
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay: A Pep-Talk

I used to tell myself that I shouldn’t cry because there were people going through so much more than I was. I thought crying (outside of the sappy-movie-watching type of cry) meant I was mentally weak. All of this is false. I’m not a person that battles with anxiety or depression, but sometimes I just […]
Total Eclipse 101
I’ve been belting “Total Eclipse of the Heart” just about every time I come across a solar eclipse story or hear someone mention needing glasses. I’ve seen a lot of questions or confusion about the upcoming total solar eclipse – one friend even asking if special glasses were necessary. P.S. Yes, they are if […]
Issa Music Video: Featuring The Bridgeview Babies
We’ve all lip-synced for our lives pretending to be in a music video, but the Bridgeview Babies did the real deal! If you didn’t know — I hosted an arts summer camp for about 15 kids in Bridgeview Village, and apartment complex I lived in over 10 years ago. Our final project was to shoot […]
The Bachelorette and Breakups
I’ve spent approximately 25 hours in the past few months watching Rachel Lindsay as The Bachelorette. I avoided every spoiler and blocked any mention of Reality Steve from popping up on any of my social media feeds or Google cards the entire season, but had my guess which man would get the final rose. The final […]