The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two

The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two - The Palmetto Peaches -

Today’s our second blogiversary, y’all. It all started with a text message to Ace during Donni’s lunch break and here we are. From the bottom of our hearts – thank you for supporting The Palmetto Peaches for the past TWO YEARS!!!

The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two - The Palmetto Peaches -

The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself before launch day?

Ace: Worry about yourself. There will be people who write about a topic before me, attend an event I won’t, or visit a place I haven’t, AND THAT’S FINE! Everyone’s journey is different, so there’s no need to wish to be someone else – except Beyoncé.

Invest. Even if was $1 a week, having a stash specifically for blogging needs is something I should’ve done 2 years ago.

Donni: Besides giving myself some much needed expectation setting regarding time management, I’d probably tell myself to stay true to my voice. In the beginning, I was trying to create content that other bloggers were creating rather than writing about things I was passionate about. I’d also tell myself to network and actively try to connect with other bloggers. I’m becoming better at it, but I should have done more in the beginning.

What are your wishes for The Palmetto Peaches in year number two?

Ace: I want us to get recognized by a major publication or platform, and to make some money. Please don’t confuse this with, “I want a popular site to copy our posts and ideas.”

Luvvie is one of my favorite people. She’s had an amazing year (already), and it’s been inspiring to watch her journey. She went from writing hilarious Scandal recaps on her blog, to landing a deal with Shonda Rhimes! #RealLifeGoals

Donni: I feel like 2017 is going to be a good year for the blog. High on my wishlist is a new blog photo shoot. Um, hello my braces have almost been off for a year. I’d like to see us attend a blog conference this year. I would also love to upgrade the look and feel of the blog, so don’t be surprised if there are a few changes soon.

What’s your craziest blog post blooper?

Ace: Every post day is a crazy day for me. I’m convinced WordPress, Photobucket and Canva get paid to conspire against me. The craziest experience is a recent one. As I was editing the post, it kept auto-saving to a “more recent version”. Once I finally got it to chill, WordPress wouldn’t let me log-in to publish. So, I called upon my Tech Goon aka Donni. It was handled.

Donni: I’ve been coding websites since back in the days of Geocities and Angelfire (yup – took it there). Yup, I learned HTML, CSS, and PHP and coded in Notepad or some similar program. So WordPress should not be an issue. I repeat it should not. However, on the days that I’m way behind on the editorial calendar and I’m working on a post at two in the morning, WordPress is like:

The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two - The Palmetto Peaches -

So then plugins start malfunctioning, pictures disappear, Chrome freezes, I get writer’s block…you name it. But hey “nevertheless, she persisted”.

The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two - The Palmetto Peaches -

Cheers to two years of blogging and to the many memories and moments that are yet to come!

Ace Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches and Donni Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches

6 Replies to “The Palmetto Peaches Turn Two”

  1. Aww happy blogiversary guys! It’s funny to hear about the things that we all struggle with as bloggers from time to time, but it’s always worth it in the end which is what makes the experience magical and fulfilling. I’m excited to see what’s next for you guys! And yes, putting some money aside strictly for blogging would be smart af. Let me start doing that lol.
    Sheriden recently posted…ATL Eats | Best Chicken & Waffles In AtlantaMy Profile

    1. Thank you love! So happy to have bloggers baes like you on this journey with us!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!! So glad I stumbled across your blog about a year ago! You guys are awesome and I love what you do so keep on being YOU!!! Looking forward to more great adventures!
    Lowanda J recently posted…Songs For Every Stage of LoveMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much for the love and support! We appreciate you!

  3. Congrats, ladies!
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