Welcome to the home of The Palmetto Peaches! Usually, Friday the 13th is associated with bad luck and hockey masks; but we (Ace and Donni) had something different in mind for today! For years we’ve seriously and jokingly talked about our future collaborations–the bar we’d have in our office, the list of our friends we’d never work with, etc. Finally, it’s happening!

What do you get when you combine #PRgirls with similar backgrounds, different interests and a sisterly relationship? You get us: two 20-somethings taking on “adulthood” with a lot of good times, a few bad decisions and a nice helping of coffee and alcohol. We’re excited to share our experiences, learn from you (and each other), all while having some fun in the A. From crafty DIY creations to creepy conversations on the MARTA train, your Palmetto Peaches have plenty to talk about. Not only are we using this blog to express ourselves, we’re using it to connect with other like-minded folks. That’s what the Internet is for, right? While we hope you enjoy our posts, pics and videos–we’d like to hear from you too! Feel free to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Watch the video below to meet Acecily “Ace” Alexander and Donnica “Donni” Smalls.
You young ladies look like yall from the lowcountry. But I like yall instagram!!!!
Hi palmetto peaches looking good in the big peach. Don’t forget the low country peaches/palmetto
[…] five months since our launch date. Support for the blog has been steadily increasing since our first post and we’re so happy to see our community growing […]
[…] after a break-up, a distraction from work, or simply have a soft spot for February 13th (like The Palmetto Peaches), you may be counting down the days until Galentine’s Day. Here’s are some unique gifts […]