Each year during Black History Month, the Auntie Karen Foundation hosts a concert and silent auction in Columbia, South Carolina. Legends of… is a tribute to the contributions African American musicians have made to history. “The series profiles a jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel or blues artist who has made a lasting contribution to the history of music.” (auntiekaren.org)

Thanks to my Auntie Karen I, along with many other music lovers in Columbia, was able to see musical legends: Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, Babyface and Ashford and Simpson (to name a few) perform live over the years. This year’s concert featured Al Jarreau with the South Carolina Philharmonic. Out of all the artists I’ve seen, Jarreau appeared to be the most passionate about the Auntie Karen Foundation and the importance of the arts.
“You must teach children to be sensitive, and the arts are a workshop in human sensitivity. Any programs of that sort, we need to be supportive. Karen and her organization understand what is so wonderful and so basic about the arts.” -Al Jarreau via Free Times

The past 3 years I’ve been lucky enough to live tweet the Legends of…Concert & Silent Auction. In addition to falling in love with the open wine bar and yummy eats provided by local vendors, I’m also inspired by the guests’ energy level. They’re just so artsy! It’s great to see the community support the arts, as well as Black History Month. Not to mention how cool it feels to hear them say, “Oh wow! You’re Karen’s niece!”

My Auntie Karen was the first person to take my writing seriously. When I was about 5-years-old, I wrote a series of poems about the meaning of life, freedom and Dr. King. My mom sent them to my aunt (who still has them), and it was history from there. She made sure every single person she knew, also knew I was a young poet. Thanks to her, I participated in any opportunity she stumbled upon. Opportunities like reading my poems (with my cousins and sister as interpretive dancers) at Spoleto events, played a big role in my School of the Arts acceptance…and y’all know how much I love my arts education!
When I read those poems now, I can’t help but laugh because they’re awful, but AK still had my back! Even though I’d love to have her attention all to myself, she shares the same enthusiasm with kids all over the world. Who uses Jamaican Yams to teach kids about sickle-cell anemia and diabetes? Who uses a jazz-singing octopus to give hugs to kids effected by natural disasters and deployment? Auntie Karen does! Her legendary acts in the community don’t go unnoticed, and I’m so proud of her and the Auntie Karen Foundation!
If you would like more information on how you can help Auntie educate, empower and enlighten through the arts, please visit www.auntiekaren.org!
What a lovely post. It reminds me of my Auntie. After I got divorced and moved back to live near my family, she sent me a card that said “It’s your time to shine!”
That was 5 years ago and I still have it where I can see it.
So sweet! Aunties are the best! Like a combination of a friend, mother and sister. I love being an aunt…on a good day haha. Thank you for reading. -Ace
The Palmetto Peaches recently posted…Year of Yes (Book Review)
Love it!!! Looks like you had a great time!! Great post!
I had a blast! Thank you for reading. -Ace
The Palmetto Peaches recently posted…Year of Yes (Book Review)
What a cool post! You’re right…legends have such incredible stories. Cheers to you for being able to celebrate and share them!
Coming Up Roses
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Thank you for reading! -Ace
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