7 Ways to Recharge Your Creativity

7 Ways to Recharge Your Creativity - The Palmetto Peaches - palmsinatl.comTruth: Sometimes Ace and I will text each other something on the lines of:

Can I post tomorrow? I’m just not feeling it.

Creativity isn’t reserved for artists. Creative thinking skills and coming up with original ideas are useful in a wide variety of fields. So we’ve all had those moments when we’re just uninspired and unable to create or produce anything.

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, the just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while” – Steve Jobs


A constant push for creativity can leave you burnt out and unhappy. For me, this blog is my creative outlet. I don’t really have that many opportunities to showcase my creativity at my 9 to 5. However, sometimes the blog can feel more like work than my actual job when I’m experiencing a creative block or I feel like I’m forcing myself to be creative. So today I’m sharing seven ways to recharge your creativity.

7 Ways to Recharge Your Creativity

      1. Move your body!

        For most creative pursuits,with the exception of performing arts, you pretty much have to  remain stationary as you work on your project and many jobs require that sit at your desk all day. Give yourself a reason to stretch out your muscles and move. Expending energy can jump start your body and brain. 

      2. Try a new creative outlet or hobby. 

        If you’re a writer – you cannot write all the time. Hello, burnout. Find something else you love to do and you’ll end up valuing the time you spend on your art even more. Check out Ace’s post on hobbies.  Look into taking a class to further your skills or to learn something new entirely – this could be your new source of inspiration.

      3. Break your routine. 

        Do some of your work outdoors on a coffee shop patio, or take your laptop to a new part of the office. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to give yourself the opportunity to refocus or to be inspired again.

      4. Don’t let a deadline limit your creativity.

        Trust me. I understand deadlines. My job consists of nothing but timelines and immovable deadlines. However, sometimes we can let our time limit pressure us into just creating a product without allocating time for thinking and brainstorming. Quick results may impress, but I’d bet innovation would be considered even more impressive.

        “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss

      5. Find a buddy.

        Another great way to recharge your creativity is get a new perspective. Seek out a coworker or friend to run your idea by. However, don’t limit the people you speak with to only those who are artistic or creative by nature. Sometimes it’s the people who think the most unlike you, that will spark your creativity.

      6. Revisit past ideas.

        Circle back on things you’ve created in the past to help spark new ideas.Y’all should know by now that I’m a list girl and I keep a notebook and pen with me at all times. For example, when I’m looking for inspiration for new blog posts, I flip through my notebook for ideas. If you’re not a notebook and pen kind of person – start a running list on your phone and jot down your observations.

      7. Get some zzzzs. 

        Sleep. Well that sounds reasonable right? Check out the research. A 2009 study from the University of California – San Diego found that participants who spent more time in REM sleep performed better on tests that demanded creative problem-solving. A 2012 study from Georgetown University, suggests that taking a power nap can boost your creativity. In my research, I also found a number of articles that outlined how dreaming and daydreaming enhances creativity.

So peeps, I hope these tips are helpful and I’ll leave you with a quote:

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein

How do you recharge your creativity? Leave your tips and tricks in the comments below!

Donni Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches