I have a journal I fill with quotes I hear or read that I love. I regularly revisit the journal when I’m in need of inspiration. This weekend I went to the journal in search of some words that would reinforce positivity and help me overcome negative thoughts. I found the following: What you speak […]
wellness wednesday
The Vitamin ABCs of Healthy Skin

The other day I was waiting in line at CVS when I heard the cashier compliment the girl in front of me on her skin. She let out a coy laugh and when asked for secret C responded I just drink a lot of water. So for all the regular folks that “just” […]
9 Self-Care Gifts for the Friend Who Needs Some TLC
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for some people. The holidays bring lots of love and cheer, but that doesn’t stop anxiety and depression from making an appearance. Aside from the family and life related things that make us want to curl-up under a rock, the cold and gloomy weather makes it harder to […]
7 Healthy Changes to Make Today
Healthy living doesn’t have to be be hard. Healthy living doesn’t have to be be hard. Click To Tweet Well at least that’s what I’m repeating to myself until I am 100% living it. There are plenty of healthy changes you can easily implement. In my ongoing journey to live a healthier lifestyle, I’ve failed […]
Fallin’ into Health and Fitness
While the first day of fall was last month, fall is finally beginning to creep into Atlanta. I do, however, mean creep. The mornings are cool, but by lunchtime it’s back 80°. Leaves are starting to change and fall. Pumpkins are popping up everywhere and football rules the weekends. The shorter days and longer nights […]
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay: A Pep-Talk

I used to tell myself that I shouldn’t cry because there were people going through so much more than I was. I thought crying (outside of the sappy-movie-watching type of cry) meant I was mentally weak. All of this is false. I’m not a person that battles with anxiety or depression, but sometimes I just […]