Five Things To Do With The Extra Sunlight

Five Things To Do With The Extra Sunlight - The Palmetto Peaches - palmsinatl.comWe’re about a week out from the first day of spring and it’s snowing…

Five Things To Do With The Extra Sunlight - The Palmetto Peaches -

Despite the cold weather, it will officially be brighter in the evenings each day. Thanks Daylight Saving Time. Although – first world problem alert – I get slightly annoyed by having to change all of my clocks that don’t automatically update. Seriously, yesterday I totally forgot about the clock on my stove and confused myself for half of the day. Although, this is looking like an unusually long winter, I think we should all use this additional daylight to increase our productivity. So please join me in engaging in some new or productive activities with all the extra sunlight coming your way. So here are five things to do with the extra sunlight.

Five Things To Do With The Extra Sunlight

Exercise Outside

I’ve been on a pretty consistent gym schedule, but with the extra sunlight I’m going to try and find some outdoor routines. Yoga In The Park starts later this month in my city. Check Meetup or local yoga studios to see if anything similar exists in your town. I may even attempt to run outside. I’m a little traumatized from my experience of starting the couch to 5K program and almost being hit by a car on day one, so we’ll see.

Meet Up For An Outdoor Happy Hour

I fully plan to take advantage of patio weather when it arrives. Brunch, lunch, or breweries, I don’t care. Just sit me on a patio, please.

Work Outside

I do not have a window in my office. So unless I visit my coworkers with the a view or take a walk outside I have no idea what’s happening with the weather. Also, I have a bad habit of just locking myself in the office – until dark sometimes – when I want to get things finished. My resolution is if I have work from the day leftover, I’ll take it home and work from my balcony and enjoy those last fleeting moments of daylight.

Read that Book You’ve Bought But Never Started Outdoors

Here’s an opportunity for you non-outdoorsy folks (me) to enjoy the great outdoors besides just brunching on patios. Go outside and take that book you’ve been meaning to read or finish reading.

Evening Walk

When it gets dark early, I rush my pup on our walk. I’m going to slow things down and enjoy a nice long walk in the evening with Sgt. Pepper. Besides a long walk will tire him out and he’ll head straight to his bed or just snooze on my feet until it’s officially bed time.

What are some things you plan to do with the extra sunlight? Leave a comment below!

Donni Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches