If you’re looking for some cooking inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve pulled together a list of seasonal fruits and veggies and some ideas for spring dishes. Also check out the Pinterest board Seasonal Living: Spring Foods for more recipe ideas and inspiration to elevate your plate this season. Seasonal Living: Spring Foods […]
Month: April 2017
7 Things A Food and Bev Server Will Understand

Despite what you’ve heard, being a server is a tough job. As long as you’re sitting in our section, we’re responsible for your happiness and your lives–if you want to get technical. Every time I try to leave the service industry, something keeps calling me back. Maybe it’s the money, maybe it’s the family atmosphere […]
It’s the Pits: Natural Deodorant Review

Most antiperspirants or deodorants contain the chemical compound aluminium. This chemical is known to clog your sweat ducts. It has also been speculated that aluminum can imitate estrogen, as well as contribute to the increase of cancer cells. However, to be clear: “Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a part of the National Institutes […]
Magical Music: 25 of The Best Disney Songs of All Time

Debate me if you dare, but some of the best songs of all-time come from Disney movies. So how can you create a list of the best Disney songs? I started writing down my favorites (my list had 35 songs) and then I took to social media to get some additional perspective for this near impossible […]
5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle
A side hustle is a way for creatives and part-time entrepreneurs to make a little extra cash outside of their full-time jobs. After college, I started my freelance journey. It was exciting, fun and kept me busy. Fast forward to 5 years later, and I can’t wait to retire. When I first started losing interest […]
Transformation Tuesday: Transforming Your Finances

I’ve always been semi-responsible with money – or so I thought. In college, I didn’t sign up for a million credit cards because they were being offered or because I needed extra money for Bonnaroo. However, within the last year or so I’ve become really serious about transforming my financial situation. Debt free by 30 […]