Donni wrote a post about Spring Cleaning her life, and included a to-do list. I started writing my own list shortly after that, but never published it. So I’m back…with updates!
Ace’s Spring Cleaning To-Do List
1. Become financially secure. A wise man named Meek Mill said, “The money turned the noodles into pasta”. I’m just trying to graduate from Oodles of Noodles to Olive Garden fettuccine. Although money doesn’t buy happiness–it pays my rent, feeds my body, puts clothes on my back and allows me to type this post via Xfinity WiFi. Those things make it easier for me to sleep at night, and sleep makes me happy. You know what else makes me happy? Hazelnut coffee. How do I get hazelnut coffee? I pay for it with money. No shade to myself, but I’m super basic. I don’t care about brands or labels, and I’d rather spend money on food than clothes–so it’s not about living a luxurious lifestyle. It’s about easing my mind. Don’t let my hippie vibes fool you, because unfortunately, I’m a worrier and a planner, which is why my list is beginning with making more money. [Update: I’ve been on a few interviews and will start a new job with real co-workers next week!]
2. Reduce my anxiety with daily meditation. I just finished Oprah and Deepak’s “Manifesting True Success” 3 week meditation challenge. If you haven’t tried meditating, I STRONGLY suggest it. You’ll be surprised how helpful 20 minutes of quiet time can be. That’s right, 20 minutes of silence with your thoughts. My goal is to mediate before my morning coffee and right before bed.
3. Make healthier choices. Is it best for me to eat PB & J sandwiches and Ramen all the time? NO. Can I afford fresh vegetables, fancy ass chicken and gluten-free water (I probably made that up) everyday? NO. On top of that, I have a crazy sweet tooth, and I rarely ever have just one alcoholic beverage–so I’m going to start slow with changing those things. I won’t buy Sour Patch Kids every time I go to the store, and I….ok, I don’t have a solution for alcohol consumption yet. Work with me people. Healthy food maybe pricey, but physical activity and portion control are free–so I will try to keep that in mind. [Update: I have twerk sessions in my room on the days I don’t go for a 3 mile walk. Plus, the new gig will cause me to be on my feet and walking for at least 5 hours per shift. I’ve also been aiming to drink at least 64 oz of water everyday.]
4. Read a book. I really don’t know when I stopped reading on a regular basis. Maybe after the Accelerated Reader program ended, and I no longer got prizes for finishing Babysitter’s Club and American Girl books. Even though I don’t read as much as I should, I do admit that a good book or poem sparks my creative energy. It’s also a sweet escape from my own issues. [Update: I’m almost done with Chaka Khan’s autobiography, “Through the Fire”–an autographed copy, btw. I’m a sucker for bio-pics, so I loved being able to imagine how I think her life adventures really happened.]
5. Let people go. I do this thing where I want to keep people in my life exactly the way they entered it. It could be because I’ve lost so many loved ones, or because of my Middle Child Syndrome. It could also be because I hate feeling like I was stupid enough to not see a sad ending coming–ya know, because I’m psychic. (FYI, I also do this thing where I diagnose myself). You’ve probably heard the saying “people come into your life for a reason, season or lifetime”. Personally, I like to know right away a person’s purpose in my life, but it doesn’t work that way. My auntie (in my head) Maya Angelou said, “when people show you who they are, believe them the first time”. The signs are usually always there, but I’m a classic, stubborn Capricorn. The goal is to not think about another person’s purpose so much that it distract’s me from my own. I’ll deal with any bumps in the road when they appear–not before I even have a chance to get to them.
Inch by inch, y’all. Inch by inch.
Have you written your own Spring Cleaning To-Do List? Share it with me by commenting below!