I was born in the 80s (’89 but it still counts) and raised in the 90s. Argue with me if you want, but the 90s produced some of the best entertainment of all-time! Don’t @ me. So when my good friend Ashley started a clothing company, Renaissance Apparel, dedicated to the 90s, I was ecstatic. […]
Author: Donni Smalls
Fall 2017 TV Preview: Let Me Be Your TV Guide
It’s that time of year, peeps. In my head/ former life, I just know I was a TV show writer — all hits of course. However, since I’m in this life, I’ll just give you a fall 2017 TV preview. If you’re behind on any of your favorite shows, you may want to skip my […]
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay: A Pep-Talk

I used to tell myself that I shouldn’t cry because there were people going through so much more than I was. I thought crying (outside of the sappy-movie-watching type of cry) meant I was mentally weak. All of this is false. I’m not a person that battles with anxiety or depression, but sometimes I just […]
Total Eclipse 101
I’ve been belting “Total Eclipse of the Heart” just about every time I come across a solar eclipse story or hear someone mention needing glasses. I’ve seen a lot of questions or confusion about the upcoming total solar eclipse – one friend even asking if special glasses were necessary. P.S. Yes, they are if […]
The Bachelorette and Breakups
I’ve spent approximately 25 hours in the past few months watching Rachel Lindsay as The Bachelorette. I avoided every spoiler and blocked any mention of Reality Steve from popping up on any of my social media feeds or Google cards the entire season, but had my guess which man would get the final rose. The final […]
Simplify Your Life Week – Blog Roundup
I recently learned that the first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. Now I know there are national days and weeks for just about everything, but a little late-summer simplifying will be a great excuse to declutter as fall approaches. However, as I talked about in the minimalism challenge simplifying your life […]