” … it’s all kind of amazing—what we get to do, what we get to attempt, what we sometimes get to commune with. Gratitude always. Always, gratitude.” Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic I decided to share my gratitude journal before listening to Oprah’s “What I Know for Sure” and Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” on Audible. Bare with […]
Feminism is Not A Dirty Word
Last week I was in Kroger and saw an older woman struggling to grab an item from one of the higher shelves so I go over and assist her. She thanks me and tells me she’s probably been in the aisle for over 15 minutes and no one offered to help. She says something like […]
When Bless Your Heart Isn’t Enough
You may have heard about the tweet from South Carolina Govenor Nikki Haley to someone (a name I refuse to type in this post), after being called an embarrassment to her state. She hit him with the good ol’ fashion, “Bless your heart“. If you’re from the south like The Palmetto Peaches, you know “Bless your […]
#Reimagined: Best Cover Songs (Playlist)
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a new Palmetto Peaches’ playlist. I’ve had this running list of cover songs on a memo on my phone for forever so I though why not share some of my all-time favorite cover songs. To be fair, the originals are amazing, but I like what the artists did with […]
TV Guilty Pleasures: Binge Watch This
Hi. My name is Donni and I like to binge watch shows on Netflix and my DVR currently only has about 30% recording space left. TV is my guilty pleasure. I judge the costuming, music and writing. In my head, I’m the late great Roger Ebert. If I could get a job reviewing TV shows (and attending […]