Oh wow. How is it already and also only April? 2020 has been madness and like a decade rolled into a few months. Now that we’re all self-isolating, I have more time on my hands to power through my 2020 reading list. I thought I’d formally share my list in case anyone else is looking […]
2019 Reading List: A – Z Challenge

Happy New Year, folks! One of my favorite things about starting off a new year is picking my reading list. This year I really wanted to work on diversifying my reading selections. I love a good YA book, but I wanted to reread a few classics that I haven’t touched since I’ve been in school […]
10 Books that Will Put You in the Spooky Spirit

Are you ready for a thriller (and I’m not talking Michael Jackson) or 10? Throw on our Halloween playlist and curl up with one of these books to get into the spooky spirit. 10 Books that Will Put You in the Spooky Spirit 1. Wicked by Gregory Maguire Without this book we would not have […]
Milk and Honey | A Review
I kept seeing posts on Instagram like the one below. Who is this Rupi Kaur I would say? making a mental note to look up the poet. I would forget until another poem would appear on my feed. When I finally did my homework, I immediate ordered Milk and Honey, Kaur’s first collection of poems. Milk […]
Summer Bookworm Guide: 7 Books to Read By the Pool
Dear bookworm, whether you prefer the beach or the pool, you know there’s nothing like having a great book to keep you entertained. Here are a few I plan to check off my list this summer: For My Bookworm That Loves A Thriller Into The Water by Paula Hawkins Have you read The Girl […]
2017 Summer Reading List
I remember the days when my summer reading list consisted of Babysitter Club and American Girl books. My, my how times have changed. Instead of reading to earn points for free pizza or colorful bracelets– I’m reading for the soul. Here’s a list of books I recently bought to enjoy this spring/summer. Summer Reading List […]