I am always Team Book. I will always be Team Book. However, I do like to see the screen adaptations of the books I read. I have to read the book first though. I’ll wait until a movie is available on DVD, rather than view the screen adaption before getting a change to read the book. […]
R.I.P: Fictional Deaths That Crushed Me
Here’s my disclaimer. You’re either going to laugh at me at the end of this post or totally hate me for bringing back some repressed feelings of grief for fictional characters that you may have finally made peace with. My apologies. I read a lot and I watch a lot of TV. Because of this, I’ve […]
You Can Quote Me: Memorable Book Quotes
I was never an English major. I can’t discuss Sylvia Path or Kafka at length. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Jane Austen book and I’ve been told (by lit snobs majors) that this makes me basic. *Kanye shrug* I love books!! I have fictional crushes on literary characters. I have a Kindle, but I love […]