Piggybacking off of Ace’s post, I decided to challenge you all to 7 days of gratitude journaling. Journaling has a positive impact on physical well-being, including reducing stress and increasing emotional intelligence, memory and comprehension. It can be whatever you want it to be. Draw a picture, cut words out of magazine, do whatever creative […]
10 Affirmations to Overcome Negative Thoughts

I have a journal I fill with quotes I hear or read that I love. I regularly revisit the journal when I’m in need of inspiration. This weekend I went to the journal in search of some words that would reinforce positivity and help me overcome negative thoughts. I found the following: What you speak […]
Journaling Through June and July: 10 Prompts To Get You Started
At the beginning of the year, I was a journaling machine – killing my daily affirmations and jotting down my random thoughts and ideas. Daily affirmations became weekly affirmations, which I was fine with until my affirmations disappeared altogether. Ace wisely reminded me the other day that thoughts become things. So I want to get […]
Gratitude, always. Always, gratitude.
” … it’s all kind of amazing—what we get to do, what we get to attempt, what we sometimes get to commune with. Gratitude always. Always, gratitude.” Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic I decided to share my gratitude journal before listening to Oprah’s “What I Know for Sure” and Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” on Audible. Bare with […]