Today we’re taking it back to the year 2000 and walking you through some of our favorite things. To get you in the mindset of the times here are a few things to remember about the year:
- In 2000, the average price for a gallon of gas was $1.26.
- At six, Elián González was the big news – that is until the presidential election debacle.
Then and Now - Willow Smith was born.
- Hillary Rodham Clinton was elected to the United States Senate, becoming the first First Lady of the United States to win public office.
- Los Angeles Lakers won their first NBA title in twelve years.
- Love & Basketball, Next Friday, Where the Heart Is, Chicken Run, Scary Movie, Coyote Ugly, Castaway, Miss Congeniality, and Rugrats in Paris: the Movie were all released in 2000.
Ace: I was a 6th then 7th grader at School of the Arts. I’ll get straight to the point and let you know I attended predominantly, if not all, black schools until 1999. So in 2000, I was learning what it meant to have a tan, and about religions I had no idea existed. When I wasn’t doing that, I was begging my mom to get Internet. I needed AOL Instant Messenger to chat with all my cool, new friends. We got Internet 2 years later, but in the meantime I was scanning and editing pictures from the hundreds of disposable cameras I owned.
Donni: I was spooked at the end of ’99 with all of the Y2K doom theories, but 2000 rolled in without a glitch. In 2000, I was a fifth grader attending a small private Christian school, still rolling up my plaid skirts so they were shorter. Although I had started dance classes two years prior, (eight is very late start) I was still secretly dreaming I was Michelle Kwan and would pretend to figure skate on my mom’s shiny slippery kitchen floors. I also carried a notebook around with me a lot à la Harriet the Spy. Let’s be clear though, I didn’t spy on people. I used to write stories – or song lyrics. Spoiler alert: I’m a terrible singer. But in 2000, I still thought I had a chance to make it. How else would I go on tour with the Backstreet Boys. I was also writing a lot of Days of Our Lives fanfiction. I know. I know. Don’t judge me. Days of Our Lives had a huge teen storyline at the time and I was obsessed thinking that was what high school would be like. Philip and Chloe (Phloe) 4eva!!!
What We Wore
Ace: I told y’all in School Daze I dressed like a grown man until age 14. Crochet braids (red crochet braids at that), FUBU, Southpole, Nautica– I was ready to hop in a No Limit video at any moment. My mom also had this thing with airbrushed shirts. We had one for every occasion, featuring our favorite cartoon characters. Super surprised I didn’t have my Candies “platform” shoes airbrushed too.
Donni: When I wasn’t in uniform, I was in Limited Too gear — butterfly clips, glittery shirts, etc and Sketchers. Matching capri sets. Also I had tights that matched everything. I had a lot of platform Sketchers sneakers. Ay, yi yi. P.S. Limited Too is coming back in 2016.
what we listened to
Donni: I was definitely a TRL kid in 2000.
So I listened to a lot of Britney, BSB, Destiny’s Child, Christina, and yes N SYNC – oh hello curly-haired Justin Timberlake. The Marshall Mathers LP was huge that year – and I had to sneak to listen to it. Nelly’s Country Grammer was one of my favorites. I also knew all the words to Who Let the Dogs Out and Lee Ann Womack’s I Hope You Dance – which became an instant recital classic. Maria, Maria was also my jam! LeAnn Rimes was another favorite of mine. It probably helped that her song “I Need You” was featured on Days of Our Lives as Phloe’s song. I was also a closet R&B fan. None of the girls at school knew these songs, but Jagged Edge’s “Let’s Get Married”, Erykah Badu, Mya, Avant and Donell Jones was also on my rotation. However, my favorite album of 2000 had to be Black and Blue by my beloved BSB. Fun fact the music video for “Shape of My Heart” broke their own record for longest running number-one song. Take that N’SYNC fans!!
Ace: The Christmas of 1999, I got CDs by Celine Dion, Hot Boyz and Charlotte Church. I was really taking it over for the ’99 and the 2000. But on my 12th birthday, I went to K-Mart (LOL, K-Mart) and bought Mariah Carey’s Rainbow CD. FYI: Mariah was the bae of all baes. I was so obsessed. She was there when the Spice Girls started to slowly fade out of my life. Eventually, you’ll hear about my MC birthday cake in “What Happened to…2001?” You couldn’t tell me, or my friends, she wasn’t singing my name in “Heartbreaker”.
“Heartbreaker, you got the best of me, but I just keep on coming back Acecily….”
Turns out she was saying “incessantly“. I was sad, but I did learn a new word. These were the good ol’ “Making the Video” days when my sisters and cousins would record videos and learn the dance moves or choreograph our own.
We want to hear what you were up to in the year 2000! Comment below or tweet us @PalmsInATL!
What a fun post – thanks for sharing. In 2,000 my eldest son was 8, my younger son was 2, and my daughter was born – on July 4. I was learning to build websites and computers -skills I did learn but don’t use lol – and I was the queen of Mommy forums 🙂 Seems a lifetime ago.
This is AWESOME! The 2000s were IT! TRL & MTV were hot, and had 106 & Park come out yet? That was my jam!!! Lol at the School Daze post, too! These throwback posts are bringing back great memories! 🙂
Addie recently posted…NYFW – Bloomingdale’s + Project Runway Shopping Spree
We didn’t have cable in my house until 2001, so I wasn’t watching 106 & Park or TRL yet! But honey, it was on once I did. Thanks for reading! -Ace
Wow. I can’t believe that was 15 years ago. I’m not even going to tell you what I was doing in 2000 because I am way older than both of you. 🙂
Haha, age ain’t nothing but a number. Thanks for reading!
OMG so long ago! I love it though, I remember all of these things 🙂 Take me back!!
Rachel recently posted…Thursday Thoughts + $35 Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway
Oh this is so much fun!!! I love this!!
It doesn’t even seem that long ago, but I do remember all the fuss in preparing for Y2K . Thanks for sharing your memories!
Antionette recently posted…15 Inexpensive Home Upgrades to Install Before Summer Ends
Oh my goodness this is awesome. TRL? Backstreet Boys? Chicken Run?! Crazy how time flies!
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
Caitlin Cheevers recently posted…My Running Story
So crazy! Thanks for reading!
[…] the Heartbreaker single. Remember when I thought Mariah was singing my name in Heartbreaker? Click here to refresh your […]