Goodbye Summer: Bucket List Revisited

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall! In June, Donni and I shared our Summer Bucket Lists with you. I’m back to share what I actually checked off my list, and what I have planned for the fall.

Goodbye Summer Bucket List Revisited -- The Palmetto Peaches

Summer 2016 Bucket List

Sunrise meditation.

It wasn’t the outdoor meditation like I hoped for, but I did manage to wake up and meditate before and during sunrise–from the comfort of my bed.

Make S’mores at a bonfire.

Nah. Summer 2016 was so hot, I barely attended anything that didn’t involve air conditioning or a paycheck. I don’t know why I thought I’d be sitting in front of anyone’s fire.

Go to a baseball game.

I went to 2 Charleston Riverdogs game this summer! At the first game, I tried a Palmetto Espresso Porter beer milkshake for the first time. About a month later, I enjoyed $1 beer during a Thirsty Thursday game.  The games and drinks were both great. Felt like college.


I didn’t make it to New Orleans, but I did make it to Savannah for a Bachelorette weekend, and Atlanta to see Beyoncé for the SECOND time this year. A trip to New Orleans is very high the list for my solo travel birthday trip.

Build a fort.

I watched my nephew build a fort. Does that count? He even had me test his entrance, which had a sign that read, “Please knock”. Knock on what though? The fort didn’t have a door. Yep, I’m checking this off my list.

Drink out of a coconut.

Nah, again. Guess I’ll put this back on the list for Spring/Summer 2017.

I didn’t do too bad checking things off my Summer Bucket List, but Fall is here and it’s time for new adventures! Here are some things I’d like to do this season.

Goodbye Summer Bucket List

Sunrise meditation.

Daylight Savings Time will be here soon. It’s easier for me to meditate at 7am instead of 6am, that’s for sure.

Make S’mores at a bonfire.

I will give this another try in October or November when it’s not 90 degrees.


Because beer love is true love. Charleston has a few of it’s own Oktoberfest celebrations, and I’d love to attend one for the first time.

Sleep-in Sundays.

Fall is my favorite season, but the weather can get a little gloomy as winter approaches. I love waking up early, simply to stay snuggled up in bed for a few extra hours (or the entire day). Brunch is great year-round, but it’s not as tempting when outs looks like a scene from Twilight. My plan is to have at least 4 “Sleep-in Sundays” this season.

Visit a pumpkin patch with my nephews.

If we miss that chance, they will have to settle for Disney on Ice or a visit to the aquarium.

What did you check of your bucket list this summer? What’s on your Fall Bucket List?

Ace Siggy--The Palmetto Peaches

10 Replies to “Goodbye Summer: Bucket List Revisited”

  1. I need to try the sunrise meditation. Hopefully I can wake up 🙂

    1. The struggle was real, but 7am wasn’t too bad. There’s always sunset meditation for the non-morning folks. 🙂


  2. You were smart to make a manageable bucket list! I had way too many things on mine and didn’t get to a lot of them.
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    1. I learned my lesson, haha! But good for you for wanting to get a lot done! I want to make a CRAZY birthday bucket list.


  3. Congrats on checking off so many things this summer! I prefer s’mores in the fall, so I don’t blame you for moving that task down a list. 😛 Have a fantastic fall!

  4. I never considered a fall bucket list. Now my wheels are turning. It looks like you had a pretty good summer, and yes, your nephew’s fort counts. 🙂

  5. Sounds like you were able to get a lot done this summer!

  6. I should do something similar to this so I can actually get stuff done, haha.

  7. I wish I made a checklist like that before summer. Making one for autumn now 😀

  8. I love waking up early and contemplating my life. I’m not sure it counts as meditation, but it sure beats crawling out of bed.

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