“I’m just trying to live my best life” is something I started saying heavily before leaving for Hangout Fest. My friends and co-workers love it just as much as I do. It’s probably because some of our “best life” decisions are questionable. Either way summer is almost officially here, and the only life I want to […]
Conversations with Ace
2017 Summer Reading List
I remember the days when my summer reading list consisted of Babysitter Club and American Girl books. My, my how times have changed. Instead of reading to earn points for free pizza or colorful bracelets– I’m reading for the soul. Here’s a list of books I recently bought to enjoy this spring/summer. Summer Reading List […]
Good Vibes Only: The Importance of a Positive Attitude
“What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” ― J. Sidlow Baxter The Importance of a Positive Attitude Your vibe attracts your tribe. No one likes to be around a Debbie/Donald Downer. If you have a negative outlook on life, […]
7 Things A Food and Bev Server Will Understand

Despite what you’ve heard, being a server is a tough job. As long as you’re sitting in our section, we’re responsible for your happiness and your lives–if you want to get technical. Every time I try to leave the service industry, something keeps calling me back. Maybe it’s the money, maybe it’s the family atmosphere […]
5 Signs You Need To Break Up With Your Side Hustle
A side hustle is a way for creatives and part-time entrepreneurs to make a little extra cash outside of their full-time jobs. After college, I started my freelance journey. It was exciting, fun and kept me busy. Fast forward to 5 years later, and I can’t wait to retire. When I first started losing interest […]
Friday Faves: Women’s History Month Edition
Women’s History Month is coming to an end, so I’m sending this glorious month off by showing love to my favorite women-related moments of the week. Women are naturally a big deal, but a celebration of sisterhood is good for the soul. Favorite quote “It’s not whether or not we feel afraid that matters, but […]