What is Mercury Rx (Retrograde)? On March 5, 2019 Mercury went Retrograde in Pisces, and will end on March 28th. Translation: Mercury started spinning backwards. Some folks use this time to blame all their troubles on Mercury Rx. Not only do old flames and friends slide back in the DMs, but things get weird with […]
Aries Full Moon Feels

The Aries full moon was on Monday, September 24th. My mood lately is just “meh”, and I know the moon, recent move and vacation recovery all play their parts in it. An e-mail from Carmen Mayes’ Written in the Stars, called “Connecting the Best Parts of You”, sent my full moon feels in go-mode. After […]
How to Survive Mercury Retrograde
What is Mercury Retrograde? Kathy Biehl and OM Times are going to help me explain this one. “First, the technicalities: Mercury is retrograde when it’s traveling backwards. That’s an optical illusion, of course, and happens when the planet’s orbital speed changes in comparison to the earth’s. It’s the planetary equivalent of speeding up on a highway, […]