Next month, I’ll be a bridesmaid for the second time in my life. I may not be an expert on being drunk in love, but I know how to flawlessly be “just drunk”. And even though it stresses me out, I love planning events that involve a good turn-up. So what happens when I combine my passion for a good time AND Beyoncé?
The ingredients for a successful bachelorette party are a few great friends, a lot of alcohol and a little creativity. Top it off with Beyoncé, and you’re ready for a Feyoncé celebration. Usually, I’m stingy but if sharing will help your squad have as great of a time as we did–I’m here for it. Here are some of my favorite festivities and favors we used to celebrate our future bride in Savannah, Georgia.
The bride-to-be, we’ll call her Teyoncé for privacy purposes, isn’t a fan of pink. We stuck with a “Bey Hive” color scheme: gold and black. I had to customize an itinerary made by kateANDjaneDESIGNS on Etsy. The writing was originally hot pink, so she changed it to white. [You may not be able to read the list of activities, but they’re all based on Beyoncé songs.] Another bridesmaid came through with the Beyoncé themed munchies: On the Rum Punch (rum runners), Wata-melon candy (watermelon flavored Sour Patch Kids & Air Heads) and Blow-pops. She also brought gigantic cookies and alcohol infused cupcakes.
The M.O.H got super creative (and saved a few bucks) by making shirts. The front read “Don’t Worry Be Yoncé. The back read “Bridesmaid” “Maid of Honor” or “Team Bride”.
In hopes that we wouldn’t be taking real mug shot photos, I snagged these mock mug shot signs from Harvest Paper Co. [Of course the woman of the weekend’s said “Feyoncé”.]
My personal favorite was the #FeyonceBarCrawl! Instead of a typical scavenger hunt, we ran around the city dressed up like Queen Bey. I chose 7/11, and the bride-to-be went with Pretty Hurts. We also had Feeling Myself, XO and Countdown in the mix.
Saturday morning we rode the struggle bus to a pole dancing class. We rocked our matching tanks and gold crowns as we twerked for our lives. [FYI: I’m still trying to figure out the firefighter spin.]

The struggle bus continued to brunch at B. Matthew’s Eatery and then to The Shrimp Factory for dinner, where we learned that Savannah’s tap water is not our friend. But ultimately, the #TeyHive (ya know, like Bey Hive) survived.
The Black Bachelorette even shared our mug shot collage on their Instagram page!
We have a few events left before the big day, so I’d love to hear your fun bridal party suggestions and ideas. Tweet me @PalmsInATL or leave a comment below!
[…] you’re new here, you maybe unaware that I’m a proud member of the BeyHive. From a Feyoncé themed bachelorette weekend to explaining my personal tips for drinking— Beyoncé has a special place on this blog and in […]
[…] party is the best part of being a bridesmaid, but a huge throwdown isn’t always necessary. Plan a celebration based on the bride’s personality and interests, not what you assume a bachelorette party is […]